Do you follow Channing Tatum on Twitter?

Do you follow Zac Efron, Michelle Obama, Kerry Washington or John Legend? If you answered yes to any of the above, then you have experienced the new Twitter profile. If you answered no, there is a chance you haven’t even heard about the change. Twitter rolled out a new profile earlier this month. The new profile setup is currently available to a small group of users as well as anyone that joins Twitter as a new user.

When I first stumbled upon the new Twitter profile my first reaction was “NOOOOOOO.” Why would Twitter trade its simple design for a layout that looks like a Facebook copycat? Does Twitter really think its users want to learn how to navigate around an entirely new profile? Needless to say, I am not a huge fan of change.

However, after getting over my initial rage, I have to admit that the new layout isn’t all that bad. Although I am not a fan that the new Twitter profile almost identically resembles Facebook, it does offer some cool new features that makes browsing easier.

The new profile provides users with the same freedom to customize their header, with the addition of larger profile and banner photos. Some of the other new features include highlighting your best Tweets, pinning Tweets and filtering Tweets. These main features are best described on the Twitter blog:

  • “Best Tweets: Tweets that have received more engagement will appear slightly larger, so your best content is easy to find.
  • Pinned Tweet: Pin one of your Tweets to the top of your page, so it’s easy for your followers to see what you’re all about.
  • Filtered Tweets: Now you can choose which timeline to view when checking out other profiles. Select from these options: Tweets, Tweets with photos/videos, or Tweets and replies (Twitter).”

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The new Twitter profile will be available to everyone in the next few weeks. I am dreading the switch for the mere reason that it is a change, still part of me is excited for the new profile. Visit Channing Tatum’s Twitter profile for a first look at the new layout and decide what you think? Is the new profile a positive change, or will it lead to a social media uproar?